Lily Loch reflections

Lily Loch

Evening reflections at the Lily Loch Inspirational Image has been a bit quiet recently – three weeks seem to have gone by in the space of one! A summer evening at one of my favourite places, Lochan Mor in Rothiemurchus, otherwise known as the Lily Loch.  Regular readers may notice that the loch and its […]

Reed reflections

Evening reed reflections at the Lily loch Sunset at the Lily loch. I was particularly drawn to the graphic effect of the golden reeds against the birch tree reflections on the shore opposite. I attended a most inspirational event this week – the launch of the 2020VISION exhibition, at the Royal Botanic Gardens in Edinburgh. […]

Winter reflections

Lily loch reflections, late winter Its been grey and dismal all week, so here’s an image from last year. I love the rich colour reflections across the Lily Loch. “Don’t ask yourself what the world needs; ask yourself what makes you come alive.  And then go and do that, because what the world needs is […]

Meadow Grasses

Meadow flowers and grasses. At the water’s edge at the Lily Loch, the water sparkling though the grasses.  Its been another October-ish week for us, but with some brighter days.  For 5 minutes today it even felt like August! Every time you grow, you change.  In most people, each change brings out resistance.  There is […]

Evening Waterlilies

Water Lilies, in evening light. Back to the place of water-lilies, with a rare glint of sun!  I liked the coppery, metallic look of the texture here, with the low evening light. Recognising ourselves: “A picture is the expression of an impression. If the beautiful were not in us, how would we ever recognise it?” […]


At Lochan Mor (otherwise known as The Lily Loch), Rothiemurchus, Strathspey. The water lilies are out again – it seems a little early.  Once again the photographer  ventured in as far as he could – water and fancy lenses don’t mix too well!  The lilies like to be in about 1 metre deep. Photographically speaking, […]