
At Lochan Mor (otherwise known as The Lily Loch), Rothiemurchus, Strathspey.

The water lilies are out again – it seems a little early.  Once again the photographer  ventured in as far as he could – water and fancy lenses don’t mix too well!  The lilies like to be in about 1 metre deep.

Photographically speaking, they’re hard to take, especially in the sunshine with extreme contrast.  They seem to radiate a brilliance, next to the dark peaty water.

“To the degree that we ‘give in’ to the urge to polarise an experience, to judge it as ‘good’ or ‘evil’; to that degree do we perpetuate the illusion of separation!  We will experience that which we perceive.

‘Evil’ and ‘good’ are not two distinct and separate powers at odds with one another.  Rather, each represent a part of precisely the same thing.”

– Awakening to Zero Point, Gregg Braden.

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