Images of Nature & Spirit. Photos and words by Neil Wakeling.
I love our Northern light, the endless interplay between light and land in our ever-changing Scottish weather. As I compose each photo I’m aware of the subtle energies and intelligence in nature, the feeling of the place, a vibration which carries through in the image.
I wish that sharing the inspiration, beauty and healing I find in nature, helps to awaken a deeper connection, and reverence, in us all.
From the journal
Beara Peninsula, EMFs and WiFi
Beara Peninsula, Co Cork, Ireland - living in an EMF and WiFi free house in a spectacular, wild, environment.
Breathing Space
Breathing space. Time to pause and reflect on the tsunami of changes going on just now on our planet.
Cocora Valley, Colombia
Hiking in the spectacular cloud forest of the Cocora valley, Colombia, amidst towering wax palms.
The Heart of the World, Sierra Nevada, Colombia
The journey of a lifetime to be with the indigenous peoples of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia.
Sailing into the sunset
Peaceful days on the tiny island of Easdale, Scotland's west coast, watching the constant interplay between sea, clouds and light.
Braeriach Alpenglow
Sunset colours on the wild, wide expanse of Braeriach, as spring brings sunnier days.
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