Images of Nature & Spirit
Photos and words by Neil Wakeling.

Images of Nature & Spirit
Photos and words by Neil Wakeling.

Images of Nature & Spirit
Photos and words by Neil Wakeling.

Images of Nature & Spirit
Photos and words by Neil Wakeling.

Images of Nature & Spirit
Photos and words by Neil Wakeling.

Images of Nature & Spirit
Photos and words by Neil Wakeling.

Images of Nature & Spirit. Photos and words by Neil Wakeling.

I love our Northern light, the endless interplay between light and land in our ever-changing Scottish weather. As I compose each photo I’m aware of the subtle energies and intelligence in nature, the feeling of the place, a vibration which carries through in the image.

I wish that sharing the inspiration, beauty and healing I find in nature, helps to awaken a deeper connection, and reverence, in us all.

“No matter how slow the film, Spirit always stands still long enough for the photographer It has chosen.”

– Minor Martin White –

From the journal

Midsummer poppy

Breathing Space

Breathing space. Time to pause and reflect on the tsunami of changes going on just now on our planet.

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Dedicated to the sacred sites of Scotland and Ireland, and my work as an energy-sensitive guide.

Sound, healing and energetics.
Sound as a profound tool for conscious growth.

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