
waterlilies, lochan mor, rothiemurchus, cairngorms national park, scotland

Waterlilies on Lochan Mor

Its time for the semi-annual foray to see the waterlilies on Lochan Mor (literally – the large-sized small loch… Gaelic place-names are so completely descriptive).  Earlier in the summer the flowers were mostly submerged, after all the constant rain.  Now they’re floating nicely.  I love how the light shines through them – they’re beautiful flowers, and so geometric in nature especially when you can get a complete reflection.

waterlily on lochan mor, rothiemurchus, cairngorms national park, scotland
Additional reed-calligraphy painted in by a passing Zen master…
waterlilies reflected in golden evening light, on lochan mor, rothiemurchus, cairngorms national park, scotland
Golden sunset reflections
Sunset clouds, Lochan Mor, Rothiemurchus, Cairngorms National Park

“The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.”

W.B. Yeats

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