Lilac woods

Lilac flowers in Perthshire woods

The light was very dull on this late afternoon, but the lilac flowers covering the forest floor gave a lovely glow.  I’ve no idea what they are!

“In shamanism, miraculous events are not only assumed but expected.  Science/logic assumes that the only reality is one that is predictable; anomolies are rejected.  If it doesn’t exist, or exists only in rare instances, then it is statistically invalid, not part of the expected way the universe operates.

To the indigenous view, this is the world turned upside down.  What is known and can be known is only a tiny circle of understanding; while what is unknown and cannot be known is infinite.  So, every act or event is unique, perfectly capable of exhibiting miraculous outcomes.”

– Jim Pathfinder Ewing, “Dreams of the Reiki Shaman”

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