Strathspey sunset from Torr Alvie

Misty Forest Sunset

Sunset over Strathspey  from Torr Alvie Late afternoon strands of mist rose from the forest, turning fiery in the setting sun, the camera balanced on a convenient fencepost for support in the lower light. I realised that one of the reasons I love nature photography, apart from being out in my favourite places and sharing the […]

fern forest

Faerie Forest

Holy Well Forest, near Kenmare, Co. Kerry This is a truly special place, and one that is alive with presence.  The path to the Holy Well led down through a magical fern-filled forest, sparkling in the late evening light.  The energy around the well is very powerfully healing. Holy Well Forest Light in the forest […]

Fiery sunset mist, caledonian forest, Rothiemurchus

Fiery Mist

Fiery mist in the Caledonian Forest, Rothiemurchus Our three weeks of heatwave summer came crashing to an end on saturday with some close-up thunder, lightning and torrential rain.  However, shortly before sunset the sun reappeared, and the forest started steaming after all the rain.  I spent a breathless ten minutes jumping through the heathery bog […]

Sun through grass raindrops


Midsummer evening sun through meadow raindrops. This image seems to sum up the last week for me – we’ve had day after day of humid, rainy, grey days, but within that some intense sunny spells too.  We have so many hours of daylight at midsummer, but with the constant grey cloud it can be quite […]

Lilac woods

Lilac flowers in Perthshire woods The light was very dull on this late afternoon, but the lilac flowers covering the forest floor gave a lovely glow.  I’ve no idea what they are! “In shamanism, miraculous events are not only assumed but expected.  Science/logic assumes that the only reality is one that is predictable; anomolies are […]

Forest Snowstorm

A spring  snowstorm sweeps across the forest, Monadliath mountains I love the grainy texture in this from the snow clouds, as they swept in across the forest, and the misty effect disappearing into the distance.  It doesn’t look very springlike, I admit, but that is what this week has been all about – lovely warm […]

The Forest Edge

Pine trees looming through thick mist and snow, Strathspey I took this a couple of years ago during a really hard winter spell.  It was hard work breaking trail on skis through deep fresh snow, up the trail to the forest edge.  I loved how the shapes of these big pines started to appear through […]

In the woods

Rothiemurchus woods, evening light Just before sunset in the Rothiemurchus pine woods, in the background is a small loch filling a deep hollow, full of reeds. I loved the intense colours with the low sun. This week’s quote basically says that caring for our planet is caring for ourselves – a message which is at […]

Findhorn Beech

Beech tree, River Findhorn gorge, Scotland.  The Findhorn rises in the Monadliath mountains near to my home, and enters an impressive gorge. “… the very process of restoring the land to health is the process through which we become attuned to Nature and, through Nature, to ourselves. Restoration, therefore, is both the means and the […]