Elk Bull, Banff

Bull Elk, Banff

Bull Elk at sunset, Banff, Canada No, I am not away!  Every so often I fancy an image scanned from the archives – in this case from a trip to Western Canada 24 (!) years ago. I was walking back to my campsite in the evening when a group of Elk started to cross the […]

Beaver Creek, Sedona, Arizona

Beaver Creek, Sedona, Arizona Another week of rain, and I haven’t been out with the camera, so here’s an image full of wonderful energy and colour from my trip to Arizona last year.  This is one of the most beautiful places I have ever been, with incredible aliveness. “Mindfulness is a deceptive condition.  It’s not […]

Barrel Cactus

Barrel cactus flower, Arizona This was taken near  ‘Wet Beaver Creek’, in the high desert country south of Sedona.  I loved the colour of these flowers, especially in combination with the red rock earth.  There are hazards to getting this close-up to cactus  however – the photographer received an unexpected knee acupuncture… The Kogi and […]

West Fork Creek

West Fork Canyon, Sedona, Arizona A hike for a few miles up the narrow, winding, West Fork canyon, with the trail criss-crossing over the stream many times.  This was a very ‘Scottish’ day, with heavy rain followed by hailstones and a cold breeze – so much for Arizona sunshine! “Recent surveys have revealed that as […]

Juniper and red rocks

Juniper, Cypress, red rocks and amazing blue sky.  Sedona, Arizona. I’m not used to photographing such vibrant primary colours in nature – it doesn’t happen very often in Scotland anyway!  I find this landscape very amazing, its like walking through a giant well-tended garden, there aren’t any weeds anywhere – well, apart from giant prickly […]

Red rocks sunset

Sunset on the red rocks of Sedona, Arizona Yes, I have been somewhere for the last two weeks… and currently rather jetlagged!  I’ll write more on my week of meditation with Drunvalo later after I have digested more of the experience.  For now  its all about moving your  conciousness from the brain, which sees everything […]

Manzanita shrub and Yucca

Manzanita shrub and Yucca, Sedona, Arizona No, I’m not away – this was a few years ago, I just fancied remembering the heat and colour of ‘Red rock Country’. One more quote this week from ‘Spontaneous Evolution’, which I have been enjoying tremendously.  The authors start from a new view of genetics armed with the […]

Mount Assiniboine from Mount Rundle, Canadian Rockies

September always puts me into a travelling mode… No, I haven’t gone away anywhere, this is one from the archives from my treks in the Canadian Rockies many years back. On this day I climbed Mt Rundle, near Banff, to about 10,000 feet, but I loved the view of Mt Assiniboine in the hazy distance, […]