Sunset colours over the Monadhliath
A final image from last week’s set, taken from Craigellachie after sunset. The thick haze which had hung about all afternoon blurred out all detail, leaving just the deeply colourful main ridges. I find the deep blue-purple shades to be very satisfying.
Looking up, it was a surprise to see that the mist above had cleared, revealing a beautiful mackerel cloud formation catching the sunset. I love the expansive feeling in this.
“Try paying attention to experience, right now, as if everything were only light. Go beyond form, beyond the limitations of the eye, beyond the duality of sense and sense object. Experience is a flow of light and awareness. That’s all, and it includes everything. This is a practice which can be done anytime. Nothing changes but everything is different. Instead of just seeing the form, see the light. Instead of just hearing the words, see the light. Instead of just tasting dinner, see the light. It’s all light and it can be ‘seen’ in every sense.”
– Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, ‘Healing with Form, Energy and Light’