Manzanita shrub and Yucca

Manzanita shrub and Yucca, Sedona, Arizona No, I’m not away – this was a few years ago, I just fancied remembering the heat and colour of ‘Red rock Country’. One more quote this week from ‘Spontaneous Evolution’, which I have been enjoying tremendously.  The authors start from a new view of genetics armed with the […]


Yes, its been another week of rain interspersed with heavy showers, and the odd ray of sun that lasted long enough to almost make it out of the door each time.  To be fair, we had a beautiful couple of hours this evening at sunset.  Its been cold, too – the fire has been on […]

Vibrant Rowan

After several days of rain, a day of sun and sparkle.  This pair of interleaving Rowan trees caught my attention with their vibrant light. The Rowan has been revered across Europe as a sacred tree since early times.   Its older name, Quicken-Tree, from the Anglo-Saxon cvic (life) indicates ‘Sharing out the blessings of life’. (Fred […]