Loch Vaa sunset

loch vaa sunset

Sunset at Loch Vaa

I’m loving this one – the glowing orange clouds reflected in Loch Vaa, on an evening stroll around the loch.  The walk started with heavy clouds and spitting rain, so this was a perfect end to the day.  I don’t think I have ever seen Loch Vaa so low – it has actually been a very dry summer.   The loch has several small islands, and many bays and inlets which make it an interesting walk, most of the bays are now disconnected, with small causeways at each inlet for the adventurous to cross.

This week – more on the heart and our energetic boundaries:

“Our relational boundaries are able to protect and alert us through one particular bodily organ and its emanating fields: the heart.  This, the most electrical and magnetic organ in your body, is the key to establishing the energetic borders you need to ensure that you have supportive relationships and to save you from disasters.

The power of the heart is well documented.  Its magnetic component generates a field that is 5,000 times greater than the magnetic field produced by your brain, while its electrical field is sixty times greater than that of your brain.  The heart’s magnetic field can be measured from several feet away from your body.  This small organ is highly affected by different emotions and relationships, and the most positive relationships produce measurable and healthy results in every area of your body and mind.  Furthermore, the heart’s electromagnetic field, which we’ll call your relationship field, interacts with the heart fields of other people, transferring feelings and even synchronising heartbeats, even if those other people are not present.

The Institute of HeartMath has proven the electromagnetic field generated by the heart permeates every cell of the body, actually synchronising every cell to each other.  The rythym of your heart, in fact, creates ‘fields within fields’ that are so intense that they can alter the cells and DNA of a baby inside its mother’s womb.”

– Cyndi Dale, ‘Energetic Boundaries’

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