Jura (far distance) and Scarba from storm-lashed rocks.
How energetically cleansing it is to be surrounded by such a “fresh” sea…
“After you have exhausted what there is in business, politics, conviviality, and so on – have found that none of these finally satisfy, or permanently wear – what remains? Nature remains.”
– Walt Whitman, American poet, 1819 – 1892.
I have been reading an inspirational book, ‘The Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight’ by Thom Hartmann. The author describes the growth of our ‘Younger Culture’ city/state mindset, based on ideas of consumption, domination and unlimited growth, and contrasts with ‘Older Culture’ tribal awareness based on cooperation and respect for the sacredness of all life. He suggests that if our society is not to collapse, we must adopt new cultural stories, in effect a bringing in of traditional tribal consciousness into our modern mindset. he suggests many practical ways in which we can all individually begin to change our consciousness. Changing the world begins with changing ourselves.
“The true power of meditation – and the true reason for meditation – is to become awake in this very moment. And from that place – that here-and-now touching of the power of life – we can find the ability to transform ourselves and others in ways which will and can transform the world.”
– Thom Hartmann, ‘The Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight’.