Cascade, River Orchy

Cascade, River Orchy

One minute its beautiful hot sunshine and everything is sparkly, the next minute its back to winter.

“Spirit requires matter to express itself, and matter needs spirit to give it motion and meaning.  As your understanding grows, you begin to see spirit and matter in all things, as two inseparable aspects of the same divine root substance that we call by many names: light, love, spirit, or even energy.

Energy manifests itself on the form of waves and particles, which, in their essence, are nothing but light.  Some physicists even say that that matter is simply dense or low frequency light.  To our physical senses, the higher frequencies of light appear to be pure spirit, and the lower frequencies seem to be only matter, but in reality, spirit and matter are inextricably linked in a cosmic dance at all frequencies.

The questions you ask determine which of the two you can see, and the wisest questions reveal both.”

– Dr John Demartini.

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