Frosted Grasses

Frosted Leaves.

We had a stunning week  – cloudless days of intense blue, with sharp frosts of -8C or so.  It was like being abroad…

These grasses were in a frost-hollow that the sun was just beginning to touch, I was really drawn to the flowing shapes and the contrasting colours.

“As human beings we are inextricably enmeshed in nature.  In a very real sense we are nature.  Yet almost everything in modern life would have us forget this fact.  The more successfully we forget it, the more alienated we feel from ourselves.

From the shamanic perspective, all of the natural world is alive – the rocks and trees, every valley, each flower and raindrop.  ‘Listen to them,’ the shaman tells you, ‘they will speak to you.’ “

– from Journey to Freedom, by Leslie Kenton.

Happy Birthday – image of the week is 1 year old!

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