Snow Drops

Snow drops on birch.

This was a “pick n mix” week.  Your choice of rain, snow, sleet in any combination at any time, served with a side order of gales.   This drop of melting snow was  refracting the tree behind, in a brief moment of relative light.

“Take January’s advice – stack wood!

Weather inevitably turns cold,

and you make fires to stay healthy.

Study the grand metaphor of this yearly work.

Wood is a symbol for absence.

Fire, for your love of God.

We burn form to warm the soul.

Soul loves winter for that, and accepts reluctantly the comfort of spring with its elegant, proliferating gifts.

All part of the plan: fire becoming ash becoming garden soil becoming mint, willow, and tulip.

Love looks like fire.  Feed yourself into it. Be the fireplace and the wood.”

– Rumi, “The Glance: Songs of Soul-Meeting” translated by Coleman Barks.

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