Distant Shine

Sun glinting on the distant plateau of the Gaick hills. Winter has still hardly arrived with only a few mildly frosty days. This weekend however saw some snow on the hills, and an icy start with blue skies.  The sun was blinding on the distant snowy mountain-tops, although obscured by the intervening thick haze, giving […]

Distant ridges, Monadhliath mountains, Strathspey

Monadhliath Misty Mountains

‘Distant Misty Ridges’, Monadhliath Mountains The day had been mostly cloudy with a damp start, but around mid-afternoon it started to clear.  Although I could see blue sky above, everywhere was a thick, warm, haze.  After an hour’s (hard) climb I was on the summit of Craigellachie, taking in the atmosphere.  I have rarely experienced […]

Hazy ridges

Evening light across the Monadliath mountains, from Tullochgrue, Aviemore I love the ‘distant hazy ridges’ effect here, looking over the early spring woods, from Tullochgrue hill, as the sun sinks behind the Monadliath.  On days like this I am constantly reminded to be grateful for the wonderful country we live in, in fact for the […]

Mount Assiniboine from Mount Rundle, Canadian Rockies

September always puts me into a travelling mode… No, I haven’t gone away anywhere, this is one from the archives from my treks in the Canadian Rockies many years back. On this day I climbed Mt Rundle, near Banff, to about 10,000 feet, but I loved the view of Mt Assiniboine in the hazy distance, […]