
Azalea Blossom No more complaints about the cold spring – my salad seeds have gone into overdrive  to make up for lost time, and I’m sure that 90% of the Scottish population will have turned bright red in the last few days of intense sunshine – probably a similar shade to the beautiful Azalea pictured […]


Echinacea with hover fly It seems to be time for what is becoming the annual Echinacea photo.  As a photographer, I should probably be looking out for some new aspect or way of showing it, but each year I see them with fresh eyes and perceive the warmth and energy coming from these flowers.  The […]


Rhododendron blossom, Benmore gardens, Argyll The West of Scotland is famous for the rhododendrons each May, with such a variety of colours.  This is from a visit to Benmore botanic gardens near Dunoon where different varieties flower right through into summer. “The purpose of the heart is to know yourself to be yourself and yet […]

Golden Birch

Golden Birch, Craigellachie National Nature Reserve, Aviemore Autumn is definitely on the turn – most of the birch wood turned colour overnight, a beautiful mix of gold, orange, yellow and some still green.  We’ve had the most beautiful autumn weekend of warm sun showing the colours perfectly, but turning very cold in the shade! “The […]

Autumn Birch Reflections

Autumn Birches – Craigellachie National Nature Reserve, Aviemore Some brief sunshine this morning at one of my favourite local spots, turning the autumnal birches to gold.  Now? Rain is doing its thing once again. Changing the world… “We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make […]


Water Lily, Lochan Mor. Its been a hot, hot week, feeling very humid.  It stayed dry though all week, until about 5 minutes after this photo this morning, when the clouds opened…  I waded in well over the knees to get photograph the water lilies… dedication to the task! Although there is a botanical distinction, […]

Secret Path

Secret Path Spring continues unabated with wanton greenery  and colour.  This is a favourite local path along the riverbank, full of wild flowers this week. ” No one saves us but ourselves.  No one can and no one may.  We ourselves must walk the path. “ – Buddha ” The journey of a thousand miles […]

Beech Light

Beech trees, Strathspey. The woods still gave good colour over the last week, before winter’s first appearance – with wintry gales and a snow shower or two. “If what I say resonates with you, it is merely because we are both branches on the same tree.” – W.B. Yeats. “Handle even a single leaf in […]

Spring melt

Spring melt after snow, The Bogach, Strathspey, Scotland After last week’s snow, this week brought fabulous spring warmth. This area acts like a natural sponge, soaking up the meltwater, and I loved the sparkle of sunshine with the reeds and trees in the evening light. “You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire Universe, […]