Patterns of light and shadow, looking over Strathspey from Ord Ban
Ord Ban is a steep climb, but the view is worth it. This is the view looking south-west over the Strathspey woodlands, to the Monadhliath Mountains behind. Winter is definitely here, with snow on the hills and days of freezing mist, like yesterday, when the best thing is to sit by a warm fire!
“Just as we often use stress and fear to motivate ourselves to make money, we can find ourselves using anger and frustration to move us to social activism. If I want to act sanely and effectively while I clean up the earth’s environment, let me clean up my own environment. All the trash and pollution in my thinking – let me clean that up, by meeting it with love and understanding. Then action can become truly effective. It takes just one person to help the planet. That one is you.
The fear of not being fearful is one of the biggest stumbling blocks for people beginning inquiry. They believe that without stress, without anger, they wouldn’t act, they would just sit around with drool running down their chins. Whoever left the impression that peace isn’t active has never known peace the way I know it. I am entirely motivated without anger. The truth sets us free, and freedom acts.”
– Byron Katie, ‘Loving What Is’