Hare Tracks

Hare Tracks in spring snow, Monadliath mountains An image from this week last year, with deep snow and a surface of hoar-frost crystals sparkling and shimmering in the sun – perfect back-country ski conditions.  Hares had made tracks all over the moor on the edge of the woods, I loved the play of light and […]

Freezing Spires, Loch Morlich

Freezing Spires – Loch Morlich, Glenmore. Taken a few days ago just before New Year, on a day of sparkling frost crystals and fantastic air clarity with a daytime high temperature of -9C.  The loch was completely frozen over (and perfectly skiable…) except for the outflow, pictured here.  The surface was steaming like a hot […]

Crescent moon and afterglow, midwinter

Crescent moon and sunset afterglow, midwinter. Taken while cross-country skiing out in the woods near Aviemore. Although it was long after sunset (about mid-afternoon…) the sky was bright and the snow reflecting the pinks and purples lit my way home. The Highlands have been in a Scandinavian weather system all week, with temperatures down to […]