Freezing Spires, Loch Morlich

Freezing Spires – Loch Morlich, Glenmore. Taken a few days ago just before New Year, on a day of sparkling frost crystals and fantastic air clarity with a daytime high temperature of -9C.  The loch was completely frozen over (and perfectly skiable…) except for the outflow, pictured here.  The surface was steaming like a hot […]

Allt Mor Reflections

Allt Mor Reflections, Glenmore – A favourite local spot, where trees overhang a still and reflective river. I don’t think I have managed to find it in such bright sunshine and fresh green, before now. This week – a summary of ten principles for Changing the World, derived from the words and works of Gandhi. […]

Evening sun after rain

Evening sunburst after rain, Glenmore, Strathspey. The dark clouds behind completely hide the mountains, but suddenly these old pines were lit up by shafts of sunlight. “Duct tape is like the force.  It has a light side, a dark side, and it holds the Universe together.” – Oprah Winfrey “Every moment of light and dark […]

Cairngorm Mountains

Northern Corries of the Cairngorm Mountains, from Glenmore. Taken this afternoon, to prove that we’ve had some glorious sunshine this summer! (At least today…) And some wind as well. “Although the wind is very powerful and you can feel its presence, in and of itself it cannot be seen. You know it is there by […]