Golden light across Glenfeshie after a snowstorm

Storm Clearing, Strathspey

Golden light bathes Glenfeshie after a snowstorm Its easy on some winter days to look out, and decide to stay in…  I went out anyway despite the stormy snow showers whipping across the hills.  My trust was rewarded as a break in the clouds bathed the landscape in a golden glow from the setting sun. […]

Breathing forest

Breathing Forest

Morning mist, Cairngorms National Park The mist rising from Kennapole, as seen from Torr Alvie, with the crags of Glenfeshie beyond, on one of those rare early winter days when the world conspires (and inspires) to amaze with beauty, the forest appearing to breath. I say morning mist, in fact it was already well into […]

Glenfeshie hills, cairngorms national park, autumn-winter

Autumn turns to Winter

Late Autumn colour and first Winter snow, Glenfeshie Hills, Cairngorms A late November day in Strathspey, the near-sunset casting a warm glow across the landscape in contrast to the crisp air.  There is something I really like in the shape and flow of the forested middle-distance hills against the steep-sided hillside behind. It is always […]

Glenfeshie Hills from Ord Ban

Glenfeshie Hills

Glenfeshie Hills from Ord Ban, Strathspey Winter refuses to give up… our cold spring continues with a weekend of sleet showers (and sunshine) and a biting wind.  A lot of snow has melted in this last fortnight, but there was fresh snow on the hills again.  Although it was cold up on the hilltop, it […]

Misty Landscape

Rothiemurchus and Glenfeshie hills from Craigellachie, Aviemore A freezing, misty morning, with the outline of the hills appearing above the cloud filling the valley lower down.  Meanwhile, a fox dug a den in a friend’s garden during the big freeze before Christmas.  Now, it is surrounded by snowdrops, all carefully arranged… “At that elusive moment […]

Feshie Lochans

I hope you had as stunning  a day as we did today – it felt like the first real summer day, given how its been for most of the last month and more.  It was quite a novelty to feel the sun’s heat on my back! Maybe its the first day of an early ‘indian […]

Strathspey Mist

Misty Strathspey More from the recent spell of freezing weather – Strathspey with mist filling the valley, from Glenfeshie.  As I write, a dramatic  moon is riding through stormy clouds, after a day of torrential rain – lets see what the week brings us! …and now for something completely different… In line with our recent […]

4 Lochans reflections

September Reflections, 4 Lochans, Glenfeshie. The birches have really started to turn colour this week, with snow low down the hills as well for a day or two – brrrrr! “From the Hindu point of view each soul is divine. All religions are branches of one big tree.  It doesn’t matter what you call Him […]

Four Lochans Lookout

4 Lochans Lookout, Glenfeshie, Cairngorms, Scotland. More spring sunshine with the snow pouring off the hills. This is a favourite spot, with an easy walk to the lookout rock, and nature trails across the bog below. Let Nature call you – through the sound of the wind, sunlight filtering through leaves, the shape of the […]