Sound of Luing

Rock outcrops and distant Argyll landscape, Sound of Luing, West Coast of Scotland I find it bizarre that, as snow covers the UK, here in my part of the Highlands there is hardly any, just an occasional snowflake – although it has been bitterly cold.  As an alternative to this week’s big freeze, here’s an […]

Hare Tracks

Hare Tracks in spring snow, Monadliath mountains An image from this week last year, with deep snow and a surface of hoar-frost crystals sparkling and shimmering in the sun – perfect back-country ski conditions.  Hares had made tracks all over the moor on the edge of the woods, I loved the play of light and […]


Icicles with sunset glow Icicles outside my front door, as the deep freeze continues… “In the pursuit of knowledge every day something more is added. In the pursuit of Tao every day something is let go of” – Lao Tzu