Birch leaf in foam on loch shore

Leaf in foam

Birch leaf in foam on the shore, Loch an Eilein Freshly fallen birch leaves were swooshing in and out on the gentle ripples on the loch shore.  I like this image, showing the movement of the bubbles and the intense yellow. “We are like children building a sand castle. We embellish it with beautiful shells, […]

Fiery sunset mist, caledonian forest, Rothiemurchus

Fiery Mist

Fiery mist in the Caledonian Forest, Rothiemurchus Our three weeks of heatwave summer came crashing to an end on saturday with some close-up thunder, lightning and torrential rain.  However, shortly before sunset the sun reappeared, and the forest started steaming after all the rain.  I spent a breathless ten minutes jumping through the heathery bog […]


Crocus flower and leaves Its spring – the sun has shone all week and although its still very chilly at times, there has been some real warmth.  Crocus bulbs have shot up all over the garden, and the first few are in flower.  I was trying to do something a bit different from the straight […]

Melting Forsythia

Melting snow on Forsythia Snow melting on Forsythia blossom, taken in my garden this morning.  Yesterday there was an inch or two of snow in the garden first thing, although it soon melted once the sun broke through the clouds.  The hills are looking the whitest they have been in the entire winter, it definitely […]

Sunset over Mull

Sunset over the headlands of Mull. Scotland can be one of the most amazingly beautiful places on Earth.  When we get day after day of deep blue skies and perfect sunshine (albeit with a chilly sea breeze at times) for several days in a row, its almost unheard of and worth writing home about, especially […]

First crocus

Crocus bulb – the first colour of Spring Its been a mild week with temperatures in the 10-15C range and some lovely sunny spells where it felt good just being able to sit outside comfortably.  There was also the annual ‘day of the frogs’ where the path to the loch was strewn with frogs sunning […]

Golden Birch

Golden Birch, Craigellachie National Nature Reserve, Aviemore Autumn is definitely on the turn – most of the birch wood turned colour overnight, a beautiful mix of gold, orange, yellow and some still green.  We’ve had the most beautiful autumn weekend of warm sun showing the colours perfectly, but turning very cold in the shade! “The […]

Daffodil Bud

Daffodil bud opening. It definitely is spring, and there definitely is a rather “fresh” Northerly wind and fresh snow well down the hills… ah well, we had our two days of basking in spring warmth last weekend! This daffodil bud in my garden was opening just as the sun came through at the right angle […]

Autumn Mist, Craigellachie

Autumn Mist – Craigellachie National Nature Reserve, Aviemore One of those rare days of perfection yesterday – morning mist followed by blue skies and stunning autumn colours.  Voted ‘top day of the year’! “I looked upward into the vast expanse of world surrounding us and, giving thanks, finally understood that the world is truly a […]


Daffodil Bright, isn’t it?   Amazing what a bit of spring sunshine can do. “Scientists at the Institute of HeartMath in California conducted experiments on the capacities of the human mind in different states of consciousness.  They found that when people attain the states of gratitude and love, and when their brains and hearts enter into […]

Snow Daffodil

Daffodil, Snow. Its been snowing all week, the mountains are absolutely white with the most April snow in at least 15 years. Here’s a daffodil in my garden during the week, breaking through into the sunshine for a good sparkle! ” Our longing for the eternal kindles our imagination to bless.  Regardless of how we […]

Yellow crocus

Crocus. I realise that most of you live a lot further south and lower down than I do, so this may be a bit late – but our crocuses are finally fully out.  They’ve been up for ages, but there has only been enough sunshine on a few days for them to fully open. A […]