Dunadd, Argyll

The Big Moss from Dunadd hill, Kilmartin Glen, Argyll. After the storms early last week, Indian summer has arrived for a few days.  This is from Dunadd Hill, centre of the 7th century Scottish kingdom of Dalriada in Kilmartin Glen, Argyll. Photographically challenging, with the pattern of light and dark on the landscape in constant […]

Winter Sparkle

Deep Freeze Haze, Loch Vaa, Strathspey How beautiful its been for us this week – minus 8 or so, sunshine, mist, and no wind.   These gnarly old trees, in a deep frost-hollow, were sparkling with natural fairy lights as the sun refracted through millions of ice-drops. Light and dark, the raw ingredients of photography – […]

Evening sun after rain

Evening sunburst after rain, Glenmore, Strathspey. The dark clouds behind completely hide the mountains, but suddenly these old pines were lit up by shafts of sunlight. “Duct tape is like the force.  It has a light side, a dark side, and it holds the Universe together.” – Oprah Winfrey “Every moment of light and dark […]