
Raindrops on Columbine (Aquilegia) Spring seems to have gone into reverse, with a week of sleet and snow showers followed by days of rain.   For a while this morning though, the hills were shining with intense light on the snow.  There was a moment of sunshine yesterday too, when I took this closeup of raindrops […]

Melting Forsythia

Melting snow on Forsythia Snow melting on Forsythia blossom, taken in my garden this morning.  Yesterday there was an inch or two of snow in the garden first thing, although it soon melted once the sun broke through the clouds.  The hills are looking the whitest they have been in the entire winter, it definitely […]

Insh Island and Mull

The Firth of Lorn, Insh Island with Mull beyond, from Dun Mor, Ellenabeich, Argyll Although winter returned this week, with Strathspey receiving up to 10″ of the white stuff during the week, it came and went so quickly that I’ve chosen to stay with an image from the recent West coast trip.  I love the […]

Sunset over Mull

Sunset over the headlands of Mull. Scotland can be one of the most amazingly beautiful places on Earth.  When we get day after day of deep blue skies and perfect sunshine (albeit with a chilly sea breeze at times) for several days in a row, its almost unheard of and worth writing home about, especially […]

Atlantic Bridge

View down Seil Sound from Clachan Bridge (the Bridge over the Atlantic), Argyll. I like the graphic effect in this, a mix of sparkly sunshine breaking through mist and light rain, showing the crazy mix of land, sea and lochs that is the west coast of Scotland.  Clachan Bridge is a beautiful steeply arched stone […]

Loch an Eilein

Brooding clouds and reflections, Loch an Eilein, Rothiemurchus. Black and white, quadtoned. Its been a good week with some lovely spring moments.  This was taken on a bike ride around Loch an Eilein one late afternoon.  I was hoping that the sun would burst through the dark clouds for some contrast, but it didn’t happen […]

First crocus

Crocus bulb – the first colour of Spring Its been a mild week with temperatures in the 10-15C range and some lovely sunny spells where it felt good just being able to sit outside comfortably.  There was also the annual ‘day of the frogs’ where the path to the loch was strewn with frogs sunning […]

Juniper and red rocks

Juniper, Cypress, red rocks and amazing blue sky.  Sedona, Arizona. I’m not used to photographing such vibrant primary colours in nature – it doesn’t happen very often in Scotland anyway!  I find this landscape very amazing, its like walking through a giant well-tended garden, there aren’t any weeds anywhere – well, apart from giant prickly […]

Red rocks sunset

Sunset on the red rocks of Sedona, Arizona Yes, I have been somewhere for the last two weeks… and currently rather jetlagged!  I’ll write more on my week of meditation with Drunvalo later after I have digested more of the experience.  For now  its all about moving your  conciousness from the brain, which sees everything […]


Tulips Scotland has been amazing this week – with hot clear days and cold nights.  I loved the intensity of light coming through these tulips in the garden, lots of magic in there! “Only from the heart Can you touch the sky” – Rumi

Evening Sparkle

The sparkle of the first leaves along the riverbank path, on a beautiful spring evening. In out-of-the-way places of the heart Where your thoughts never think to wander, This beginning has been quietly forming, Waiting until you were ready to emerge. For a long time it has watched your desire, Feeling the emptiness growing inside […]