Tree island, Loch Vaa, Strathspey, Scotland


The Tree-Island, Loch Vaa It was a bright afternoon when I went to Loch Vaa – until I got there by which time the afternoon sun had disappeared behind a big cloud bank.  However, it was completely calm, and the muted colours and reflections were well worth the trip. Loch Vaa has no inflow or […]

Juvenile Blackbird in Holly Tree


Juvenile Blackbird in Holly Tree The Blackbirds have been nesting in the small holly tree in my back garden for the last 3 summers, enlarging the nest each year – just visible through a tangle of prickly leaves.  That makes for a pretty safe location!  Its lovely having them so close as they hop around […]

Douglas Fir, Feshiebridge


Douglas Fir, Feshiebridge, Strathspey A visit to one of my favourite trees in the district – a beautiful Douglas Fir standing on the rocky banks where the River Feshie tumbles through a wee gorge. The tree is named after David Douglas, the Scottish botanist who first ‘discovered’ it in British Columbia and the Western USA.  […]

Aheny River, Co Kerry, Ireland

Aheny River

A gorge and small waterfall on the Aheny River, inland from the charming town of Kenmare.  I loved this wee spot with the oak trees overhanging the gorge.

Insh Island and Mull from Seil Island, Argyll

Sound of Insh

Insh Island and Mull, from Seil, Argyll, listening to ‘the ancient conversation between the chorus of the ocean and the silence of the stone’

Uragh stone circle, Beara peninsula, Co. Kerry

Uragh Stone circle

Uragh stone circle, Beara peninsula, Co. Kerry The drive to Uragh is beautiful, a few miles up a winding single track road, dotted with reluctant-to-move sheep.  A few hundred yards walk up a footpath and then at the crest of the hill you come to the stone circle with its amazing backdrop and distant waterfall. […]

stone circle, ardgroom, co kerry, ireland

Beara Peninsula

Stone Circle, Beara Peninsula, Co. Kerry, Ireland ‘Inspirational Image’ has been a bit quiet recently while I’ve been catching up after a trip to Ireland.  I was in County Cork and County Kerry, exploring the energies of the landscape and the ancient stone circle energetic engineering with master dowser Michele Fitzgerald.  I love Scotland, but […]