Freezing mist in Craigellachie Birch wood Taken on one of those beautiful winter mornings with sunshine slanting low through the mist and heavy frost. “Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul alike.” – John Muir “We sleep, […]
Category: Landscape
Solstice tree
Sunset tree in a field of snow, near Drymen, Loch Lomond. Unlike the south, we have had hardly any more snow since the last load, but it is very frosty. By my calculations it is the solstice on Tuesday 21st where we mark the turning of the year. It seems to have absolutely raced by […]
Birch Snow
Early snowfall, Craigellachie birchwood. I love the contrast between the shady wood and the dazzling gold and white trees in the sunshine, with this stunning blue sky. “So the single most vital step on your journey toward enlightenment is this: learn to disidentify from your mind. Every time you create a gap in the stream […]
Sunset Pines
Pines at sunset, Tullochgrue, Rothiemurchus After a cold, damp, misty November day with no sight of the sun, I got lucky by heading a couple of hundred feet up to Tullochgrue – a small but steep hill which overlooks the surrounding area of Rothiemurchus. The sun shone out from under the cloud cover as it […]
Birch reflections and reeds
Birch reflections and reeds, Craigellachie, Aviemore A sunny morning at Craigellachie lochan, reflecting the last of the birch colour along with a patchwork of autumnal reed-leaves. I love the combination of the purple birch branches showing through as the orange fades. Its a shock every year how quickly we lose daylight once we’re into November […]
Craigellachie Mist Clearing
Craigellachie Mist Clearing, Aviemore Our stunning Indian summer lasted until monday – then it was back to grey and chilly! This is our local hill of Craigellachie in the morning with the mist clearing to reveal a perfect blue sky. “Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.” – […]
Golden Birch
Golden Birch, Craigellachie National Nature Reserve, Aviemore Autumn is definitely on the turn – most of the birch wood turned colour overnight, a beautiful mix of gold, orange, yellow and some still green. We’ve had the most beautiful autumn weekend of warm sun showing the colours perfectly, but turning very cold in the shade! “The […]
Mount Assiniboine from Mount Rundle, Canadian Rockies
September always puts me into a travelling mode… No, I haven’t gone away anywhere, this is one from the archives from my treks in the Canadian Rockies many years back. On this day I climbed Mt Rundle, near Banff, to about 10,000 feet, but I loved the view of Mt Assiniboine in the hazy distance, […]
Feshie Lochans
I hope you had as stunning a day as we did today – it felt like the first real summer day, given how its been for most of the last month and more. It was quite a novelty to feel the sun’s heat on my back! Maybe its the first day of an early ‘indian […]