
Sparkling raindrops on geranium flower

Sparkling raindrops on Geranium

Our Scottish summer is in full swing – moments of intense sunshine  sparkle through the raindrops.  This image is from the garden, a lovely pinky-purple geranium first thing in the morning after a night of rain.

The garden is full of bees, so we must be doing something right.  Big bumblebees (although very few), smaller golden bees… all busy.  I like the Royal Mail’s new bee stamp designs designed to raise awareness about bees.  They particularly love the nasturtiums – the garden is overflowing with them just now.

Nasturtium flower
Nasturtium flower close-up

I’m loving Robert Macfarlane’s writing, the echoing of myth, other-worlds in the landscape; how our experience of the landscape is shaped by our own ‘landscape of the mind’.

“There is no mystery in this association of woods and otherworlds, for as anyone who has walked the woods knows, they are places of correspondence, of call and answer. Visual affinities of color, relief and texture abound. A fallen branch echoes the deltoid form of a streambed into which it has come to rest. Chrome yellow autumn elm leaves find their color rhyme in the eye-ring of the blackbird. Different aspects of the forest link unexpectedly with each other, and so it is that within the stories, different times and worlds can be joined.”

– Robert Macfarlane, ‘The Wild Places’

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