Silence and Space

Loch Vaa and Ben Guilbin, Strathspey, September

Here is Loch Vaa again from that perfect day a couple of weeks ago… rippling beautifully in the sunshine.  I always find that Ben Guilbin (the hill behind the loch) has a mysterious quality.  It certainly has a bit of an ‘atmosphere’ when walking there, a certain energetic to it.  It could put you on edge, but its more a sense of heightened awareness, maybe a sense that Nature is watching back!  There have been earthquakes deep down beneath it in recent years (very small ones…)

Its the equinox this weekend, day and night are in balance and we set our intentions for the next phase.  In our modern society the seasons tend to shoot past with no regard, but it feels important to me to use these seasonal markers as an opportunity to reflect, and to look ahead.  I’ll also be taking part in the global dideridoo meditation on sunday.

I love this passage from Dan Pearson’s inspirational book.  Dan is writing about a landscape in southern Spain, but I feel he is writing about so much more:

“I often wonder whether it is the silence and the space that comes with it, that allows you to tune in to the detail, but the heightened awareness is triggered as much by the repetition of routine; the meditation.  It allows you to build a consciousness that is cumulative and informed by what has come before, each layer, like the lichens, adding to the depth of colour and the dynamism of the place.  Perhaps the struggle to see the beauty when first confronted with something new and alien is as much to do with recognising it as it is to do with finding a way to seek it out.”

Dan Pearson, ‘Spirit: Garden Inspiration’

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