Christmas Trees

Cairngorms from Rothiemurchus forest

This image was taken at this time of year two years ago when it was minus 14C, towards the end of a long ski through the forest, with the snow catching the afterglow colours from the sunset.  This week, the recent snow and ice has stripped away and its been comparatively warm, but I thought this a suitable image with which to wish you a Happy Christmas!

The midwinter solstice on thursday (it was the 22nd this year) was, for me, a good time for reflection and for looking ahead to the coming year, thinking about the qualities and aspects I would like to develop in my life.  A still-point inbetween solar inbreath and outbreath.  Hopefully more and more of us are creating the way towards a heart-centred approach to life, based on cooperation and understanding rather than fear and division.  For myself, I am continuing to practise the teaching I have undertaken with Drunvalo, using both modern science and ancient understanding from secret ‘wisdom traditions’, which guides us to move the apparent centre of our experience from the brain/head, and into the heart, resulting in a profound shift in worldview and in our understanding and sense of connectedness.

“Some things you can break down, and some things are ineffable. Some things are just part of that mystery where all creative energy comes from.  It’s part of the soul. Music is an ever-moving blob of mercury.”

– Roseanne Cash quoted in an article in the New York Times on emotion in music.

In other astronomical activity department:
The Night after Christmas Sky Show from NASA
tells us that on Dec 26th Venus and the crescent moon will be visible in conjunction together in the western sky.  The article isn’t written for the average Scottish viewer – for us it gets dark far earlier!

Speaking of following a star (apparently some wise men were) this week Comet Lovejoy grazed the sun, surviving the encounter despite all predictions, and is giving a fine show (for those in the Southern hemisphere at least).  See for images.

Happy Christmas!


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