Copper and Gold

Copper and Gold Birch, Craigellachie, Aviemore

The high winds of the last fortnight have stripped the leaves, many before they had even turned properly.  Yesterday the weather and my timing finally came together, with bursts of intense sunshine (and a few showers) illuminating the last of the leaves, with the silvery-copper branches shining through creating quite some intensity of colour against the dark crag behind.  I had to wait ages between photos for the persistent cloud to clear – despite everywhere else seemingly in sunshine!  Its all to do with the landscape – the cloud shapes itself and reforms above the hills (its not my personal black cloud…)

I promise no more Craigellachie birch next week… there probably won’t be any leaves left by then anyway.  I’m very lucky having this beautiful wood and colour on my doorstep.

“Many people are trying to find a permanent way to remain in the ‘good stuff’, be happy all the time, and never drift off purpose.  But we are vibrating beings and we move through our experiences by virtue of life’s wavelike nature.  You, as well as all other people, have your own personal vibration – and it changes depending on what you’re thinking, feeling, and doing. The most important thing is to know that you can influence it.  You can let your personal vibration match the world’s chaotic soup  of frequencies and feel buffeted about helplessly, or you can determine how you want to feel.  When you choose to attune to the frequency of your soul, your personal vibration stabilises at your ‘home frequency’.  You may still bob up and down a bit, but it is much easier to maintain your clarity when you know how to intentionally focus your personal vibration.”

– Penney Peirce, ‘frequency’

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