Alder Wood

Playing with my new wide-angle lens 🙂 – this was the best I could do given the very dull conditions this week.  Yes, its August, but the cool, damp summer (?) continues…

“Trees are our link between  earth and sky; symbolizing strength, protection and longevity, they are vital in maintaining the balance of climate and fragile ecosystems of our planet.  Not only are trees the most majestic and the longest lived plants on earth, they are the most crucial and the most beautiful, their presence as natural and reassuring as the land, the sea and the sky.

Surely all of us at some stage of our lives have marvelled at the sight, the sound or simply the smell of a single tree, the beauty of a wood or the stillness of a forest.  We are surely at a turning point somewhere between confusion and the realisation that we can and will harm our precious environment further if we continue to destroy trees at such alarming rates.

Through the course of my life I have sat in, under and against trees that have sheltered generations of travellers and nourished countless hungry souls and I am continually moved by their strength and their calm.  Trees help us to a closer understanding and awareness of nature, ecology and the environment.  I hope that next time you look at a tree you see in it a plant that shapes our beautiful world.”

– Tom Petherick, ‘Trees that shape the world’.

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