Clava Solstice

21/12 Solstice sunset – Clava Cairns

A few minutes before sunset at Balnuaran of Clava, near Inverness, after a beautiful week of temperatures down to minus 10 with clear skies.

I resonated the inner chamber with some didgeridoo playing, as the setting sun shone down the passageway.  (The cairns are perfectly aligned to the setting sun at midwinter solstice).

More about Clava Cairns.

At the solstice we welcome the return of the everlasting light. The rebirth of the sun / son.

(The early Christian church adopted many pre-existing practices – Mithra, the Persian Sun God and redeemer, was also born at the solstice from an immaculate conception).

“One kind word can warm three winter months”

– Japanese proverb.

Here’s to our inner light!  I found this lovely solstice site»

With my Love and Best Wishes for Christmas

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